Our Services
Flexible approach | goal focused | customer satisfacTion
We pride ourselves on working effectively and efficiently to provide quantifiable results in Plant production improvement, Collaboration services and Application development.
Plant Production Improvement
Why Key for Plant Production Improvement?
At Key, we are change leaders who execute business and plant production optimisation solutions.
We know that any part of your business always has the potential to be maximised. We also know that there are often challenges within operations that result in a gap between real and desired outcomes.
It is these challenges that Key endeavours to understand and overcome in a practical, applicable and effective manner.
How do we make it all happen?
Using the MAESTRO way, we:
- Understand the root causes affecting your current business drivers.
- Work on de-bottlenecking your constraint areas – with the goal to increase your throughput capacity while reducing your costs and inventory.
- Finally, and most importantly, we work with and train all your personnel involved in this process so we know you will continue to improve your plant long after we have left (biggest win for us!)

What we offer
As this is our “bread and butter” we specialise in offering the following services:
Plant Constraint Control implementation
Lean Six Sigma and theory of constraints implementation
Optimisation through process control and automation
Improvement execution - hands-on implementation
Control Loop Monitoring and tuning
Process and equipment utilisation analysis for de-bottlenecking purposes
Loss opportunity analysis and variability reports
Process modelling
Collaboration Services
Why Key for Collaboration Services?
When engaging our collaboration services, you aren’t simply engaging a service with Key; you are getting a partner that will work together with you to reach your maximum potential.
All our engineers, whilst engaged on any collaboration projects working together with our customers, have access to technical and administrative support if required by Key’s internal team of SMEs, Project Managers and Administrative personnel.
How do we make it all happen?
As always Key first does a thoughtful assessment of your requirements. We want your operations and projects to be cost-effective hence we ensure to provide a solution with your best interests at heart.
We aim to assist you in achieving your goals by providing you with our specialist engineers to work together with you and at your direction.

What we offer
Having worked on several projects across Australia, Latin America and Africa, we are proficiently able to provide collaboration services across the following:
Control Systems and Process Control
Process Engineering and Data Analysis
Project Management
The tables below details the areas where our engineers can provide their expertise whilst collaborating with your team.
Process Control and Process Engineering
- 24/7 Remote Support Services
- SCADA, DCS and PLC programming: Rockwell, GE, Citect, Wonderware, Yokogawa, ABB, Honeywell, Siemens amongst others
- Control Systems Factory Acceptance Testing, Commissioning and Ramp-Up
- Control System Audits
- Industrial Networks Configuration
- Support for Automation, Compliance and Traceability requirements
- Contract Maintenance of Control Systems
- Control Systems Upgrades
- Electrical Installations
- Alarm Rationalisation & Management as per ANSI/ISA-18.2 Standard
- Human Machine Interface (HMI) Standardisation and rollout of Abnormal Situation Management (ASM) Standards
- Bridging & Override audits
Process and Data Analysis
- Building dashboards using various enterprise systems: SharePoint, PowerBI, OSI PI Vision, OSI PI Asset Framework, Spotfire, Tableau and any other reporting software.
- Process Engineering and Process Improvement
- Applying Business Process Improvement Practices (BPI)
- Risk Management
- Business Process Mapping
- Project Management Support Services
- Resource Efficiency and Capital Productivity
- Process Assurance and Audits
- Time in Motion / DILO Studies